Tesco Payslip View – www.Payslipview.com

Tesco Payslipview – OurTesco.

Checking your Tesco payslips online, from home or from your mobile phone, has never been easier. All your questions answered about the Tesco Payslipview system.


Learn how to use the Tesco Payslip website to see your current and past payslips and hours, to find activation codes, or how to change your employee contact information.

This website is intended as a help resource for past and current Tesco employees. Use our guides to learn how to view your payslips, apply for activation codes and receive your P45 and P60.

For the ‘Quick Login’ guide, see Tesco Payslipview Login.


Tesco Staff members have access to two different online employee portals: Payslipview.com and OurTesco.com. The former provides access to information about past payslips, while the latter is a more general employee portal.

Tesco Payslip View Account Registration.

How do I create a Payslipview.com account?

To register for an account with Payslipview.com, you will need to be a Tesco employee or associate and you will need to have your Employee Number handy. If you are unsure of what your Employee Number is, you should be able to find it on any past payslip, or on the employee card issued to you. It is also on some employee badges.

Go to the www.Payslipview.com homepage and enter your Employee Number in the field that is displayed on the screen, then click on the ‘Continue’ button. On the next page, you will need to provide additional information, such as your email address. You will also need to create a password, for use with the service in future.

It is important to note that your password needs to be at least eight characters long. It must also contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter and one number in order to be valid.

Tesco Payslipview Login.

How do I log in to my Tesco Payslip View account?

  1. To activate your Tesco payslip and p60 online, you must first go to the homepage at www.Payslipview.com.
  2. From there, you will be greeted with a login form, requesting your Employee Number.
  3. Enter your 8 digit Tesco Employee number (located under “address” on your payslip) and click ‘Continue’.
  4. On the next page, you will be able to enter the rest of your login credentials, including your password. One thing to be aware of is that you will need to enter an activation code to access your account. This activation code changes periodically, and the most recent code can be found on your most recent Tesco payslip.
  5. Enter the activation code and your date of birth. Then, enter a new password and confirm it, if the system ask for it. You are then logged in to the Tesco Payslip Inbox, where you can view and print payslips, and access your P60.
Tesco payslip view www.payslipview.com
Tesco Payslipview: Enter Tesco Employee number.

Tesco Ireland employees must log in at www.tescoirelandpayslips.com.

OurTesco.com Account Registration.

How do I create an OurTesco.com account?

To register for an account with OurTesco.com, go to the homepage and click on the ‘Register’ button in the top right hand corner. On the page that loads, you will need to enter your Employee Number, and select your role from a drop-down menu. You will also need to enter personal details and create a password.

Again, your password must contain at least eight characters, an upper case letter, a lower case letter and a number. Once you have completed the registration form, agree to the terms and conditions, and then click on the ‘Register’ button at the bottom of the page to complete the sign up process.

Our Tesco Login.

How do I log In to my OurTesco account?

To log in to your account, head over to the main homepage at www.ourtesco.com and then click the ‘Sign In’ button in the top right hand corner of the page. You will be presented with the main login form, where you will need to enter either your Employee Number or the email address you provided during registration, along with your password.

Once you have entered your login credentials, simply click on the ‘Sign In’ button underneath the login form. Assuming you entered the information correctly, you should be taken to your account.

our tesco employee login
First, register your OurTesco Employee account.
Then, click on “Sign In” and enter your login details.

Payslipview.com and OurTesco.com Login Problems

Tesco employees may occasionally run into issues when trying to log on to these services. Generally, the best approach here is to run through the following troubleshooting steps, so that you can identify the cause of the problem and also regain access to your account as soon as possible.

  1. The first thing to check is your own internet connection, so try loading another website. If it loads, your connection is not the problem.
  2. Next, you should ensure that you are definitely using the right credentials with the right login page, especially if you have a different password for Payslipview.com and OurTesco.com.
  3. Double check that you have entered your credentials properly, paying particular attention to possible typing errors. Make sure CAPS LOCK is turned OFF. Remember, your password is case sensitive, is at least eight characters long and must have a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers or special characters, so would may have chosen a different password from what you usually choose.
  4. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by visiting: https://www.ourtesco.com/login-assistance/.
  5. If you cannot open the Payslipview.com desktop login page, then try the mobile version at: https://payslipview.com/mobile/

Finally, should you still have issues, your device or web browser may be the cause. Steps you could try here include:

  1. Clearing your cache and browser data before trying again.
  2. Updating your web browser to the latest version
  3. Trying an alternative web browser,  like Chrome and Mozilla.
  4. Attempt to sign in with a different device entirely, like a mobile phone, ipad, home or work computer.

Your Tesco Payslip Explained.

Tesco Payslip DetailDetail Definition
BASIC HOURSYour weekly contracted employee hours at Tesco.
DEPARTMENTDepartment that the staff memeber works in at their place of work.
EMPLOYEE NAMEYour employee name
EMPLOYEE NUMBERA unique 8 digit unique reference number.  Used with HR or Payroll.
HOURLY RATEYour contracted hourly pay rate at Tesco.
HOURSWeekly contracted hours at Tesco.
JOB CODEThe code which has been assigned to your job role.
NATIONAL INSURANCE CATThe rate of National Insurance you contribute, indicated by a letter.
NATIONAL INSURANCE NO.Unique 9 digit code made from 3 letters and 6 numbers., used to record National Insurance contributions as well as credits you have paid or are entitled to.
OCCUPATION CODEThe distribution code assigned to your job role.
TAX PERIODThe current tax period or week.
TAX CODEYour personal tax code – This determines your tax rate.
TAX REFERENCEThe company reference number, used by the tax office
PAYMENT METHODYour payment  method, bacs,or cheque.
DATEThe date of the end of the current tax period/week.

Getting Your Tesco P45.

Tesco P45’s are be printed out the following week after an employee has left the company, and then mailed to you by post.

Irish Employees: In 2019, as well as in the future, Tesco employees will no longer get a papaer P45, when they leave a Tesco job. Tesco will record the leaving date and final pay including deductions into Revenue’s system and employees can then access their P45 details through Revenue’s “myAccount”.

Tesco Employee Discounts

Tesco employees are provided with a range of employee benefits, including staff discounts. After six months of service, employees are eligible to receive a 10 percent colleague discount, which can be used at any Tesco store. Meanwhile, a Retirement Savings Plan matches pension contributions of up to 7.5 percent.

Other colleague benefits include sick pay, maternity pay and holiday pay.

You can find out about all employee benefits by visiting: https://www.tesco-careers.com/explore-our-world/benefits/

Tesco Payslipview HR Contact Information

If you need to contact the service team behind the employee portal, send an email to: [email protected].

Further useful contacts can be found by visiting: https://www.ourtesco.com/useful-contacts/

For activation or reactivation code requests for Payslipview.com, contact the Online Payslip Helpline on 01462 652 397 (or ext: 7891 65397). This line is available between the hours of 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can email the customer service team on [email protected] and request this information.

For all other queries related to payslips, P60s or the website itself, please contact your Line Manager or send an email to the following address: [email protected].

tesco payslipview

About Tesco.

Founded in 1919, Tesco is the largest supermarket chain in the United Kingdom, by market share, and one of the top ten largest retail companies in the world, in terms of revenue. In total, the business employs close to 500,000 people, while its shop portfolio exceeds 3,000 stores, including Tesco Extra, Tesco Express and Tesco Superstores.

About OurTesco.

Ourtesco.com is the Tesco employee portal. It is a website where Tesco employees can access a variety of information and resources, including:

  • Company news and announcements
  • Employee benefits and discounts
  • Training and development opportunities
  • HR information
  • Job postings
  • Paystubs and tax information
  • Employee directory
  • Company policies and procedures

To access Ourtesco.com, employees must log in with their Tesco employee ID and password. Once logged in, employees will be able to see a personalized dashboard with links to the resources and information that are most relevant to them.

Ourtesco.com is a valuable resource for Tesco employees. It provides them with a one-stop shop for all the information they need about their employment at Tesco.

Tesco PLC Address.

The official Tesco Main Office address is:

Tesco House

Shire Park, Kestrel Way,

Welwyn Garden City,

Hertfordshire AL7 1GA,


FAQ – Tesco Payslip View.

Q: What is Tesco PayslipView?

A: Tesco PayslipView is an online portal that allows Tesco employees to view and download their payslips in seconds.

Q: How do I access Tesco PayslipView?

A: To access Tesco PayslipView, go to www.payslipview.com and enter your Tesco employee number and password.

Q: What information can I find on my Tesco payslip?

A: Your Tesco payslip will show you the following information:

  • Your employee number
  • Your name
  • Your pay period
  • Your basic pay
  • Any overtime pay
  • Any bonus pay
  • Any deductions, such as tax and National Insurance
  • Your net pay

Q: How do I download my Tesco payslip?

A: To download your Tesco payslip, click on the “Download” button at the top of the page. You can choose to download your payslip as a PDF or CSV file.

Q: What if I have forgotten my Tesco PayslipView password?

A: If you have forgotten your Tesco PayslipView password, you can reset it by clicking on the “Forgot Password?” link on the login page. You will need to enter your Tesco employee number and email address. A password reset link will be sent to your email address.

Q: What if I am having problems accessing Tesco PayslipView?

A: If you are having problems accessing Tesco PayslipView, you can contact the Tesco PayslipView Helpline on 01462 652 397. The Helpline is open from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Q: Can I view my Tesco payslip on my mobile phone?

A: Yes, you can view your Tesco payslip on your mobile phone. Simply go to www.payslipview.com on your mobile web browser and enter your Tesco employee number and password.

Q: Can I print my Tesco payslip?

A: Yes, you can print your Tesco payslip. To do this, simply download your payslip as a PDF file and then open it in a PDF reader. You can then print the payslip from your PDF reader.

Q: How long are my Tesco payslips stored on Tesco PayslipView?

A: Your Tesco payslips are stored on Tesco PayslipView for 24 months.

Q: What should I do if I have a question about my Tesco payslip?

A: If you have a question about your Tesco payslip, you should contact your line manager.

www.Payslipview.com Feedback.

Share your experiences, questions and complaints about the Tesco Payslipview website, in the comment section below.


  1. What is the phone number for a new activation code, as I cant access my pay slip online?

    1. For activation codes or reactivation code requests, contact the Tesco Online Payslip Helpline on 01462 652 397 (or ext: 7891 65397), 8am – 5pm Monday to Friday, or simply email: payslipview @ tesco.com

      For queries about payslips, P60s, contact your Tesco Line Manager or email: online.payslips @ tesco.com.

      1. Email no longer working, says not monitored after April.
        I need to get a new activation code, because the one in my payslip is incorrect apparently. Do I really have to wait until Monday before I can actually get a new code?

      1. Your activation code will be at the bottom of your last paper payslip. If it does not work, then contact Tesco HR

  2. Am trying to change my password today but the system is not allowing me..Please help me to be able to sign again

    1. If you have not received a P45 from Tesco, you will need to speak with the Personnel Manager in store.
      P45’s are be printed the following week after you left, and then sent to you.

      For Irish workers: For the year 2019 and in the future, employees will no longer get a P45 when they leave a Tesco job. Tesco will enter the leaving date and final pay including deductions into Revenue’s system and you can then access the details through Revenue’s “myAccount”.

  3. Do you get tax relief on your retirement savings SMARTT because I don’t seem to have any deductions on my p60 for it

  4. For the past two months l have not been unable to access my pay slip, it keeps telling me that I have entered incorrect details five times , this occurs even when only trying to access only once . I am using the same details as I have always used without any problems up to now. Can you please advise how to resolve this continuing problem.

  5. How can I login to my pay slips as I have been made redundant and now taking my Tesco pension have a new number for my pension (not an employee number

  6. Bring back straight forward posted/collected payslips !!!!!!!! i earn it i should by rights see what i have been paid into my bank,what happens to other employees wage slips who have no internet,why should i waste my credit on my phone.

  7. How can I change my employee number as I have been made redundant and am now taking my pension have been giving an employee number and an activation code thank you waiting for your reply.

  8. I understand the need to go digital with payslips but why would you make a digital option so hard to access. Every month I am refused access! I know the details I am entering are correct & yet every time I have to ring for an access code. Please sort it out, it’s frustrating

  9. It is nearly five payrolls since i viewed now i have tried to view my pay slip it has locked me out for one hour telling me i have five unsuccessful attempts . Paper wages slip was better .

  10. I am sick to the back teeth with this system
    It continually locks me out………pleas can we have simple access to our wages ie..paper wage slips
    Invest the money on that and not useless monthly books that I know everyone at my store complains
    What a waist of paper..time & money..

  11. i am trying to view my payslip and not being allowed any access into the website is there an alternative?
    also noticed on my first payslip the i was not even my total amount of hours i worked is that only for the first payslip as that is very relevant information that should be on the payslip.

  12. Why is Tesco NOT SHOWING TOTAL HOURS WORKED!!?? This became law in April this year. This is the second time I have asked this, maybe it’s time to involve the union!

  13. I am a tesco member of staff trying to look at my wage slips but once again the stupid system is telling me that my password and security questions are invalid. This is the 3rd time this has happened can tesco please solve this problem because its starting to get old now, because you can’t even look at your wages. Can’t we just go back to paper copies? There was no problem with that system.

  14. I find it impossible to log in when there is no space that says login , I have spent 20 mins trying all the different portals but to no avail. this is so complicated if you are not completely sassy on a computer

  15. I have always been able to get my pay slip on my iPad the last 2 month’s it is not allowing me to to do so . I am able to sign on at work on the works computer now after the manager sent an email to you to save it wouldn’t allow me to do that ,and it now seems to have effected my iPad .please help

  16. Hi i am trying to activate my pay slip account but everytime when I put the text it says incorrect. Can you pls help me with that pls x

  17. Still can not get wage slip. Not had payslip for 3 yrs, and would like someone to send all my wage slips as the Payslipviw.com website does not work

  18. Hi I can’t access with my activation code, can Tesco reset for me pls? I was short term contract for covid.

  19. I am trying to register but when I enter the captcha code its says I have typed it wrong and kicks me out – please advise

  20. It seems that loads people having same problems but getting no response from anyone about why we can not get our wage slips on line so wot going on is our money being messed about with? come on get ur fingers out ur bk side and sort this out it’s been going on WAY to bloody long now. And yes I DO put in the right details

  21. Where can i access my P45 it says Tesco will record the leaving date and final pay including deductions into Revenue’s system and employees can then access their P45 details through Revenue’s “myAccount”. but i cant find it anywhere

  22. This is a joke surely. Have never been able to access pay slips, even got new phone and still cannot get them..
    Completely illegal not getting payslip .. and yes i put correct answers in and still get kicked out for 15 minutes or move with first attempt.. payslips should never have gone on line… This needs sorted sooner than later i want my payslip each and every month but not seen one since they went online.. Maybe lawyers need to investigate it.

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