Tesco Payslip Activation Code.
Question: How do I find the Tesco Activation Code that I need for logging in to Tesco Payslipview?
Answer: Before attempting to log in to Tesco Payslipview, you must have your activation code ready. The Tesco activation code is the four digit code which is shown at the bottom of your paper Tesco payslip.
You will need to enter your activation code on the second page of the login process on www.payslipview.com.

New activation codes are released on the fourth-week paper Tesco payslip.
New Tesco employees will always be sent their first payslip as a paper payslip.
For activation codes requests, if you cannot find your activation code, contact the Tesco Online Payslip Helpline on 01462652397 (or ext: 789165397), 8 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday. You can also email payslipview@tesco.com
Other questions regarding payslips or P60s should be directed to your Tesco Line Manager or email online.payslips@tesco.com.
Question: I have received my first pay from Tesco, but Tesco have stopped issuing paper payslips (you get your Tesco activation code from the paper payslip, in order to view your payslip online). How do I get my actiovation code?
Answer: New Tesco employee will receive their first payslip as a paper payslip. The paper payslip will have a activation code at the bottom.
Tesco Payslipview Passwords.
Note: When you receive a new Tesco activation code, then change all passwords, otherwise the system may lock you out.
A good tip for choosing security answers and passwords, is to use all lower case or uppercase for the answers, as forgetting just 1 upper or lower case means that the Payslipview system will block your account.
having trouble login on to view my payslip for the last two months put my personal details will not register then i get blocked could you please help me thank you
Hi how do I get activation code as tried phone number but not working many thanks George
I am locked out of my account when trying to view my pay slip. Who do I need to contact?
Having problem login into my payslip for sometime now, can you reset my activation code for me.
Forgotten my password
I don’t have a payslip so I can’t get an activation code. I need to be able to view my payslips!
i have trouble every month accessing my pay slip band is now getting very frustrating!!!!
i have trouble every month accessing my pay slip and is now getting very frustrating!!!!
im locked out of my account please help
Payslips password question forgot
having problems activating my account . the field cell its asking me to put in is ‘apparently after 5 tries and its wrong everytime” and tells me i cant try for another hour ‘ i dont what else to do
Have not been able to access payslips online. Used activation code on first payslip (15/11/19) wont accept this activation code
Your activation code will be at the bottom of your last paper payslip. If it does not work, then contact Tesco HR
Hi Struggling opening up my payslip account need my recent activation code please
Your activation code is printed at the bottom of your last paper payslip. If it does not work, then contact Tesco HR
When will my payslip be delivered as it should be here before I get paid and the latest on the day I get paid, I work nights so pretty sure it should be her by Thursday, what’s you’re posting policy and process
Good morning I cannot get to access to my payslip because it’s asking me for my favourite food and I don’t remember fitting anything there for favourite food.
Hi how can I get copies of my 2018 payslips as work have said to call the number which is on here, which just tells me to email for an activation code, I don’t have a problem logging in.
Hi Heather, for questions regarding older Tesco Payslips, P60s or the payslipview.com website, please contact your Tesco Line Manager or email online.payslips@tesco.com.
Hi I have tried to get on my wageslips I have put my new
Clocking in number in put it keeps saying i am blocked. I did use to work for tesco before
Can not get to see my payslip on line. it blocks me out, been trying 4 months to get on and keep phoning the number they arer not in. Am in isolation so I cannot get to my manager to sort it out, so I would please like Payslipview to sort it out so I can see my payslips, please
Please contact the Tesco Payslip Help-Line on 01462652397 (or ext: 789165397), 8 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday. You can also email payslipview@tesco.com
i have been trying to access my payslips, and i have put the activation code in, but it keeps locking me out. I need my activation reset i think
New temporary employee received paper copy of payslip but employee no. activation code & date of birth not being recognised when I try to register. Branch 2195.
Now I’m being told to reactivate my account and need a activation code. WHY. It’s, by know means easy to get into the payslip site at the best of times.
Have been trying for 2 years to get my payslip on line every time I get blocked went to wages they helped but as soon as I tried I got blocked again I am now losing my temper as we need this to start to book our holidays on line next year
I have been told that I need to look at payslipview to see my holiday entitlement. Every time I enter the captcha code, it says it is invalid and to try again. After several attempts it locks the account for 1 hour. This has happened a few times. How can this be resolved? Do i need to create an account of just put the relevant details in?
How do i get a activaction number pls do not have a payslip
i have not been online to my payslip in years but now i need a activation code as i dont have access to a recent payslip to get my activation code
Emailed to get activation code using HR email link only to receive text back advising mailbox not monitored since May 2019. Why is it still on as a link? HR please update.
Locked out again, haven’t seen a payslip since June. Certainly made very difficult for people to access. Asked other colleagues for assistance and found a good number who haven’t a clue and go by their bank account for figures. Consensus of some of my colleagues is that it’s a bit of a scam.
Have been trying for 2 years to get my payslip on line every time I get blocked went to wages they helped but as soon as I tried I got blocked again I am now losing my temper as we need this to start to book our holidays on line next year
Having problems with open my payslip . the field cell its asking me to put to Activated Code i try so many time after 5 times tries and its wrong every time” and tells me U R Block please try After one hours.
I don’t know my activation code and we no longer have paper wage slips so how do i get it?
I am having problem viewing my payslip online for almost three weeks now and when ever I call the helpline an activation code is given to me to reset it , but when ever I give answers to the selected questions and press continue, it doesn’t aspect my answers.please help me out.
How am I able to find my activation code from my payslip when my payslip itself is only available online?
It doesn’t make any sense.
I genuinely don’t know why your online system is making this so over complicated. When it should be a simple procedure.